Jennifer Spencer – Nurse Practitioner Week

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“My heartbeat is collaboration, and I wholeheartedly believe in creating healthy interdisciplinary teams that strive to provide patient-centered high-quality care,” says Jennifer Spencer, Nurse Practitioner (NP) in the Women’s and Newborn Health Program at IWK Health. “There are so many great opportunities to utilize the Registered Nurse (RN) role to the full scope of practice, and my role will help support this through education and being involved in quality improvement initiatives and research.”

Spencer’s role as an NP in the Women’s Gynecology Ambulatory Clinics is to help provide access to gynecological care.

 “The patient’s values, beliefs and preferences are a priority in establishing a plan of care,” says Spencer. “I bring my 13 years of obstetric and emergency RN experience to assess patients, order appropriate diagnostic tests, and build NP competency in clinical skills and judgment.”

Spencer currently works with patients experiencing abnormal uterine bleeding and post-menopausal bleeding with a focus on endometrial biopsies and IUD insertions.

“I hope to bring new knowledge to our care area in assessing, preventing, and treating procedural pain for this population. I am using the Comfort Promise to help bring some empowering pediatric principles to treat and prevent pain by providing psychologically and culturally safe care in collaboration with the patient’s needs.”

She is also involved with the IWK Early Pregnancy Complications clinic helping to improve communication and processes within the team, and partners at Nova Scotia Health, to improve care for patients.

“The NP role helps provide access to care, which benefits the patient,” says Spencer. “I work collaboratively with our IWK gynecologists and having their support and teaching allows me to gain new knowledge and increase my skill sets to provide care for this population. Being able to order tests, counsel patients and prescribe medications and refer patients when necessary is helpful.”

“As a specialty NP, the role of communicating back to primary care providers allows them to continue with the care they are providing for their patients. In a stretched healthcare system, this role allows me to provide independent care for a population requiring gynecological care.”

We recognize the vital role that Nurse Practitioners play at IWK Health and recognize and celebrate their work during Nurse Practitioner Week, November 12-18.